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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Quick & Dirty Core with HIIT

Goal: Core work - a quick and dirty routine with some high-intensity exercises thrown in there
Equipment: Stability Ball
Time: 20 minutes

  • Hip circles - 10 circles, each side
  • Lunge with twist - 10 each side.  Step forward into a lunge and twist gently in the direction of the front leg. (i.e. if you step forward with the right foot, twist to the right)
  • High kicks - 10 each side.  Stand upright and put your arms straight out in front of you. Kick one leg up at a time, keeping it as straight as possible, trying to kick your hand with your toes.
  • Runners stretch - hold 10-20 seconds each side
Main Set:  Repeat this set 2x's. Keep rest time between exercises to under 15 seconds, except where indicated.  Rest for 1 minute between sets.

1) Back Extension on Stability Ball - 12 reps.  If you don't have a stability ball, you can do this on the ground (when done this way, the exercise is usually called "Superman").

2) Glute bridges - 20 reps - For a more advanced version of this, you can try single-leg bridges or place your feet on a stability ball instead of the ground.

3) Front Plank - hold for 30-60 seconds. On the second round, hold for 5-10 seconds longer than you did on the first round.

4) Mountain Climbers - 20 reps (1 rep = both legs)

5) REST for 45 sec. and grab a drink.

6) Side Plank with dips - 10 dips each side.  On the 2nd set, try 12 dips each side.

7) Push-Ups - 10 reps.  Nothing fancy, just plain old push-ups!

8) Burpees - 5-10 reps.  On the 2nd set, add 1 more than you did the first time.